Morningside Heights Housing Corporation (“Morningside Gardens”) is a residential cooperative apartment complex with more than 980 units and is located on the upper west side of Manhattan. Opened in 1954, the eight acre, beautifully landscaped campus borders on Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue and comprises six high-rise buildings, twenty-four floors each.
The buildings are heated by a central plant consisting of (4) 500hp boilers that supplies 5 lbs steam pressure to each building. Steam flow to each building is regulated by a One Pipe MEPCO Vari-Vac Steam system.
PEPCO furnished and installed the ENERGUARD in building 70 as a pilot project to demonstrate to the board that overheating could be controlled and the proposed upgrade could be paid for thru fuel savings in under 2.4 years.
Before the ENERGUARD was installed the studio line apartment temperatures averaged 88 degrees and the 2 bedroom apartments barely reached 67 degrees. To achieve even heat distribution PEPCO installed (13) new 4″ riser steam valves and 91 Wireless Apartment Temperature Sensors that were connected to the PEPCO system for control. As the space temperature in the studio zone lines reached set point the steam supply was shut off. This resulted in even heat distribution through-out the entire building. When the installation was completed the fuel savings were 29% and tenant comfort greatly improved.
The savings were verified by Schuyler Engineering who was hired by the board to oversee the project and verify savings (independent report available upon request).
• Fuel Savings 29%
• $100,000 CON-ED Cash Rebate
• Control (85) 4″ Steam Valves
• (6)MEPCO Vari-Vac Systems Controlled
• (750) Wireless Apartment Sensors
• (105) Condensate Temperature Sensors
• (12) Hi and Lo Rise DHW Temperatures
• (4) 500 HP Boilers Controlled
• Weather Station installed on Roof
• Web Based Color Graphics
• Password Protected
• Alarms\Exception Reports
• (8) Card Access Doors
• (1,000) FOBS Issued
• House Tank Water Level Controlled
• Gas and CO2 Levels Monitored
• 322 Alarm Points directed to E-Mail
• Historical Trending
• XY Trend Plot Of All Variables
Because the pilot project was a huge success the Board approved a budget of $1,650,250 to expand the ENEGUARD System in the 5 remaining buildings. PEPCO furnished and installed a total of 85 new 4″ Steam Valves, 750 wireless Apartment Sensors, took direct control of the 4 Boilers and control of 12 Vacuum Steam Stations creating a fully integrated Heat Control System.
Further expansion of the PEPCO system includes BACnet and MODBUS Integration, Card Access and Lighting Control.
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