Hofstra University was founded in 1935 and is located in Long Island, New York, about 25 miles east of Manhattan, offers excellent undergraduate and graduate programs on a beautiful suburban campus.
In fall of 2009, PEPCO installed a DELTA Control system in the new Graduate Residence Dormitory. This building was a new building built on the North Campus and is occupied 24/7 for most of the year. The building houses both faculty and students.
Low Pressure Steam is supplied to the building from the Central Power Plant. Control of the Steam Station consisting of 1/3, 2/3 Steam Valves, two Steam to Hot W ater Heat-Exchange Units and Two Heating Distribution Pumps configured with Variable Speed Drives and Differential Pressure Sensor. Individual rooms are configured with PTAC units equipped with 2 way hot water valves. As system water pressure builds from the closing of the two way valves the Variable Speed Drives throttle down to maintain a constant system pressure.
Common areas and hallways are heated and cooled from AHU’s and RTU’s that are equipped with Hot Water Heating Coils and Two Stages of Cooling. DELTA DAC- T305’s with individual LCD Displays are used to control the space temperatures and with proper password allows the maintenance staff to view and adjust set points locally. Entrance lobby’s, and stairwells are equipped with Hot Water Fan Coil Units that are active only when the Outdoor Air Temperature fall below 55 degs. Freeze stats are installed in the AHU’s and RTU’s that shut down the systems to prevent freeze ups.
The project required systems integration using MODBUS to connect (2) AAON Roof Top Units furnished with factory controls to the DELTA system for monitoring and control.
The building is connected to the campus LAN and is monitored and controlled using ORCAweb. PECONIC is under a multiple year service contract to maintain and upgrade the system with new factory releases of software.
Further expansion of the system is underway and includes Card Access, Lighting Control and software upgrades to ORCAweb 3.33, which includes the ENERGY DASHBOARD.
Common areas and hallways are heated and cooled from AHU’s and RTU’s that are equipped with Hot Water Heating Coils and Two Stages of Cooling. DELTA DAC- T305’s with individual LCD Displays are used to control the space temperatures and with proper password allows the maintenance staff to view and adjust set points locally. Entrance lobby’s, and stairwells are equipped with Hot Water Fan Coil Units that are active only when the Outdoor Air Temperature fall below 55 degs. Freeze stats are installed in the AHU’s and RTU’s that shut down the systems to prevent freeze ups.
The project required systems integration using MODBUS to connect (2) AAON Roof Top Units furnished with factory controls to the DELTA system for monitoring and control.
The building is connected to the campus LAN and is monitored and controlled using ORCAweb. PECONIC is under a multiple year service contract to maintain and upgrade the system with new factory releases of software.
Further expansion of the system is underway and includes Card Access, Lighting Control and software upgrades to ORCAweb 3.33, which includes the ENERGY DASHBOARD.
• ORCAweb and ORCAview (Graphical User Interface)
• Password Protected
• Alarms and Exception Reports
• P.C. Color Graphics
• Historical Trending
• XY Trend Plot Of All Variables
• ORCAweb and ORCAview (Graphical User Interface)
• Password Protected
• Alarms and Exception Reports
• P.C. Color Graphics
• Historical Trending
• XY Trend Plot Of All Variables
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